
Sustainable and climate adapted Water Management in Mining in the Southern African Region (WaMiSAR)- Hydrogeological Information System and Toolbox for Secure Water Management

WaMiSAR considers the use of water as a resource from the start to the end of mining activities. Within this project adapted solutions will be developed for the various challenges for mine water management. Hydrolab at TH Lübeck carries out the WaMiSAR-HIS project as a contribution to Water Security in Africa. Within WaMiSAR-HIS we work on the following objectives:

  • the development of baselines for the Stampriet Aquifer
  • a hydro-information system for the Stampriet aquifer
  • the development of a dynamic compartment model based on isotope and hydrochemical data

The project is structured via an already established mine management network (MiWaNet), com-prising the relevant mining companies as well as ministries, authorities, universities and engineering offices. The eight participating universities are organizing a training network for students and employees of the members of the MiWaNet.